• The Odyssey - Unicorn Theatre

    « Virginie Taylor’s expansive video projections create thrilling atmospheres and help reaffirm locations along the journey, whilst the use of a wind machine alongside them is stunning! »

    Everything theatre:


  • The Odyssey - Unicorn Theatre

    « Jennifer Tang’s bustling production of this show, with book and lyrics by Nina Segal, ensures the blissed-out Lotus Eaters are accompanied by Virginie Taylor’s groovy psychedelic projections. »

    The Stage:


  • The Odyssey - Unicorn Theatre

    « Virginie Taylor’s video and projection design is likewise successfully functional (marking locations or key mythical encounters) as well as mesmerising as it takes us into the tempestuous straits between Scylla and Charybdis or the psychedelic sensations of lotus-eating. »

    London Theatre 1:


  • waiting for a train at the bus stop - Edfringe

    « Alongside Video and Projection Designer Virginie Taylor, Phiri crafts a beautiful unison between actor and projection. We are invited easily into Chilufya’s internal poetry and it allows a helpful lead through her problematic relationships which are often difficult to charter and define. »

    Binge Fringe:


  • waiting for a train at the bus stop - Edfringe

    « Projections make sure that the visuals are varied and exciting, while the direction is uniform and strong.»

    Broadway world:


  • Hummingbird - Vaults Festival

    «When Jude and Brian lie in bed at night, the effect is achieved by stringing a sheet between the two kitchen cabinets, and there’s some impressive projections that also help take us into different parts of the story. »

    Theatre Weekly:


  • No Place Like Home - Edfringe

    « The storytelling is rich and vivid, but what is most impressive is the way that Roberts matches the rhythm of the spoken word to the beat of the music, which combined with the projections all comes together beautifully. »

    Theatre Weekly:


  • No Place Like Home - Edfringe

    « As too is Virgine Taylor’s visual nature, which takes the kaleidoscopic neon of gay bars to the next level as this visual splendour of signifier shortcuts emboldens the movement, timed to perfection with Jac Cooper’s snap-second sound design. It all lands neatly for No Place Like Home, with a witty, authentic, and engaging charm that softens, but never condescends, the pain it expresses. »

    The Reviews Hub:


  • No Place Like Home - Edfringe

    « Roberts performs solo against a projected backdrop of neon flux and moving image. He dances, sings and flows around the stage, taking maximum use of the stage to create a space in which to inhabit. This is an utterly enthralling, devastating piece which asks us to look at the cycles of violence in the Queer community through a lens of euphoric highs and destructive lows. »

    « The whole experience for an audience member is just mesmerising – watching him move, speak and transform under the glow of the lights brings you right into the space he creates. He beckons you toward a light, blissful sensation and cuts right through you with the gritty, dark underbelly beneath the veneer. It’s a dazzling achievement, offering voice to Queer people who suffer from abuse and yet providing a sense of nuance that this is something systemic, something which is manufactured in young, often troubled men at the cusp of their adulthood and sexual maturation. Vibrant, dark, but dazzling in a glow which you can’t escape. »

    Binge Fringe:


  • No Place Like Home - Edfringe

    « As the narrative ventures towards the club, the full visual punch of No Place Like Home is highlighted. From on-screen graphics in the background including neon signs, rainbow coloured doorways, karaoke lyrics and vibrant glowing patterns adorn the screen, ensuring that throughout its runtime this is a visually commanding piece. »

    « Setting Roberts’ performance alongside choreography from Cameron Carver, Jac Cooper’s vivid sound design, and hypnotic visuals from Virginie Taylor, crafts a magnetic, thought-provoking piece of theatre. »

    Culture Fix:


  • No Place Like Home - Edfringe

    « The denouement is heartbreaking and pretty grim, but the journey is fascinating, and Robert’s performance is hypnotic. So too is the energising and impressive graphic design that accompanies Connor’s story, created by Virginie Taylor. »

    The Stage:


  • No Place Like Home - Edfringe

    « Virginie Taylor’s video design in this is superb. It’s a vital part of the storytelling. Human bodies dance and rave, immersing Roberts in the club space, with flashes of neon-coloured lights and sparkles. »

    The Spy in the stalls:


  • No Place Like Home - Edfringe

    « Precisely combining dialogue and dance moves that move the story forward, he’s supported by ingenious video projection work and an inventive club soundtrack. »

    The Scotsman:
